Tuesday, 23 August 2022
11am - 12pm AEST

Webcast: Cryptocurrency and SMSFs
Self-managed super funds exist to provide their members with a high degree of control over their retirement savings. Cryptocurrency touts an unparalleled level of autonomy for its users, so it makes sense that crypto-savvy individuals would want to work a crypto investment strategy into their long-term savings plans.
With steady growth in the asset class as part of SMSFs year on year, it’s imperative to understand the nuances that could affect both you and your clients when looking to incorporate crypto into their SMSF portfolios.
In this free live webcast by SMSF Adviser Live, partnered with CryptoTaxCalculator, we’ll be taking a look at the current regulatory landscape regarding crypto and SMSFs in Australia.
Learn about:
- The fundamentals of cryptocurrency trading
- The ATO’s current stance on crypto and SMSFs
- The present challenges facing crypto users and their SMSF advisers
- How to accurately maintain a client’s crypto records for SMSF compliance
and much, much more!
This webcast is live and interactive, so be sure to prepare your questions for our panelists to have them answered live!
By watching this webcast live and in full, you will receive CPD points!
Download the presentation slides here.

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