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Up-to-date, specialised strategy is core component of an SMSF professional’s arsenal. SMSF Adviser analyses and interprets regulatory and legislative changes to ensure the SMSF sector is kept informed on the tips, tools and best practice for serving SMSF trustees.


Think twice about tax deductions

Thinking of taking a holiday, sorry I meant attending a conference for the education of the fund trustee, with your SMSF paying for you as a ...

Is SMSF growth out of control?

SMSFs and their seemingly ever-increasing popularity are well known. However, the language being used to describe SMSF growth recently seems ...

Skeggs Goldstien

With an SMSF Professionals’ Association of Australia (SPAA) chair on board and a history of pre-empting market moves, Katarina Taurian found ...

The ATO’s SMSF pension scare

One of the popular benefits of SMSFs has been their potential to defer capital gains tax forever. By accumulating assets in the accumulation ...

Finally, some certainty around super

Cast your minds back a few months ago to when uncertainty stalked the superannuation industry. There was never-ending speculation emanating ...

A marathon, not a sprint

It’s been a marathon, not a sprint when coming to the finalisation of TR 2013/5, which explains the Commissioner’s views from an income tax ...